Supporting the victims of the Charlie Hebdo attacks

Created by Barbara 4 years ago
In January 2015, following the terrorist attacks on the Paris office of the satirical magazine 'Charlie Hebdo', colleagues in the French Studies department of the University of Manchester decided to hold a public event to discuss the attacks and their aftermath, and to bring together representatives of all religious persuasion, and of none, in a spirit of inter-cultural dialogue. We needed quick financial and administrative support from the School of Arts to rent a large lecture theatre after teaching hours, and to pay the travel expenses of a former journalist on the staff of Charlie Hebdo, our guest of honour at this event (Olivier Cyran). When approached with this idea and the impossible time-scale it involved, Liz was immediately and incredibly supportive. She was instrumental in getting the proposal approved outside of the normal application deadlines for such things, and her generous, quick-thinking, morally principled attitude enabled us to run this event successfully, and in the best of conditions (over 300 people turned up). Without her support and quick decision-making, this event wouldn't have occurred, and I can proudly say that she made the first-ever scholarly response to the Charlie Hebdo attacks possible. I, and my colleagues in French, remain eternally grateful to her for this reason (among others). Barbara Lebrun.